Weapon: Ordinarily, I’d go with a double-bladed lightsaber but this time I went with dual lightsabers (both using the Opila and Nextor crystals) for the increased critical threat range. Whether you go with a regular lightsaber in the off hand or a short one is up to you. In the earlygame, stick with using a single melee weapon; you can start dual-wielding once you get Master Two-Weapon Fighting.
Head: Not a whole lot of useful headgear for this guy. If you’re on PC, go with the Circlet of Saresh. Otherwise, go with whatever you find that gives immunity to mind-affecting powers and boosts to saving throws. In that regard, the best piece of headgear is the Stabilizer Mask.
Body: As a Scoundrel, go with whatever armor you find that provides the best defense. The same applies as a Guardian; just replace “armor” with “robes”. By endgame you should be using the Star Forge Robes.

Kotor Best Melee Weapons

Belt: For most of the game you can just stick with using either save-boosting belts or the Power Belt. Eventually though you’ll want to pick up the CNS Strength Enhancer.

Kotor Heavy Weapons

Kotor 1 Best Melee Weapon

Hands: Go with whatever gloves you find that give the highest strength boost. By endgame this will be the Dominator Gauntlets.